Monday, May 9, 2011

This... Will Be FUN!

Hi, I'm Mrs. Precocious!

Yeah, I'm anonymous. Deal with it. I'm also snarky. But don't worry, that's targeted at the world around me, not you... usually.

So, a couple things about this blog! I work from home and need something to do in the background during slow times. I'll post funny pictures or interesting news items. Sometimes, it's that work makes me think about stuff and I want to talk it out. To myself. Don't judge me! Sometimes, life's bugging the sin out of me and I want to vent. Sometimes, I'm just bored and want to ramble!

There will be a babe of the day. I like attractive, strong women. Women who set fantastic examples for the rest of us.

There will also be a song of the day. I like having something to question myself about when things get monotonous.

I hope you enjoy!


  1. I love me some good snark.

    And I have to share the love since I see you're not a follower of my blog. :)

  2. Well, thank you for the education! ;)
